About Us

We believe when Leaders and Teams play to strengths, organisations achieve great things.


Leadership Team

Peas in a Pod Leadership Academy offers effective neuroscience based learning made fun!

We can help when it comes to leadership development with our coaching and training services. We focus on your strengths and use insights from neuroscience to ensure you learn new skills with ease. You are given the practical tools and know-how to drive the changes you want for yourself, your team and your organisation from day one.

We are passionate about enabling individuals and leaders to transform into their best self – personally and professionally – with ACTIVE© Leadership

Our programmes can help support your organisation with the team development strategies that lead to real improvements and better results, that are delivered with greater efficiency, motivation, and confidence as a team.

We are all aware of the benefits of working as a team.

But in reality many teams deliver only a small portion of their potential.

We activate leaders and teams to realise their highest potential by playing to strengths.

All our training courses aim to support you in growing into an ACTIVE© Leader – whether you are developing your best potential as an individual contributor or manager. Your leaders and teams can also thrive with the ACTIVE© Leadership model:

ACTIVE Leadership

ACTIVE© Leadership starts with the practice of self-awareness and authenticity – two key characteristics of the most effective leaders.
We need to understand ourselves as people and leaders before we understand, and can effectively manage, others. Our coaching and training programmes build on this premise to effect transformation in leaders and teams. When leaders and teams play to strengths, the organisation develops an emotionally intelligent, growth mindset culture.

To improve the team, first work on yourself.

This is the very essence of what ACTIVE© Leadership is all about.

Team Image

Contact us to discuss what development strategies we can offer your leaders and teams to reach their highest potential.